About company
Hello! You have come to the site of a family store with author's stickers. We, Serhiy and Kristina, are sincerely happy for you. Our main goal is to create exclusive things in the big world of stationery, which allows you to create your quality and improve the warmest feelings on the pages of your notebook. Since 2016, we have fulfilled more than 13,000 orders in 35 countries. Join our creative community!
How do we work?
We value our customers very much, so we are always in touch to resolve any difficulties with your order or delivery. Also, we listen with great attention to your wishes and feedback, which are usually willingly embodied in the life of our brand. So, you can always write to us in the Telegram to get an answer to your question.
Stickers as art
We control all stages of production of stickers from drawing to cutting. Our artists put their whole soul into creating a new design for each set. Due to this, the stickers become a real work of art. In total, our store has more than 550 exclusive sticker designs and their number is growing every month. In our instagram we announce new products, arrange challenges with our unique stickers and show their application. Follow us!
Figures in Stickers Vanilka
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