Why is it important to take stock of the year and make plans for 2023?
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Do not pause life - the main message of 2022. And with all the problems, air and internal anxieties, we continue to seek normality and hold on to the little things that give a feeling of comfort and joy. They say that simple things add up to something more. Also, habitual planning can become a point of support and stability for you. And BuJo is an island of comfort. After all, doing things familiar to you, you restore peace of mind. So do not neglect the rule: speaking is important, and prescribing is even better, and take a turn in your planner to summarize. Here are at least 3 reasons to sum up your achievements: 1. A way to carefully assess the state: rereading the list, you can see how your life has changed, at what point you are now. 2. A great option to find new resources: I'm sure that as soon as you see how much you have managed to achieve, despite adversity and difficult circumstances, your motivation will go through the roof. 3. Method of reflection: look into yourself, evaluate your desires and priorities. In addition, this is another opportunity to create a beautiful thematic spread that will be viewed even after a few years.

How to do the results of the year, when at first glance it seems that nothing good happened?

Look through your diary. I'm sure there will be moments that were pleasant and even joyful. Life has many colors. Between gray and black there is a whole range of bright colors, you just have to notice and celebrate them. Summing up, do not dwell on the things that could not be done, but praise yourself for every, even the smallest, thing that you managed to put a tick in front of. I also suggest adding a thank you section to your BuJo, more relevant than ever. Even if before you did not practice to distinguish among ordinary things those that give a feeling of joy, this year many unconsciously came to this kind of meditation. We have learned to see important little things that were previously taken for granted. Therefore, the best thing to do is to store these emotions in a condensed form on the planner pages.

Handwriting is important for your mental health

"Handwriting has a strong connection with the movements of our heart." There is something in this phrase, right?

Paper and pen can be a tool for self-expression or a cure for anxiety. And if you add a little fantasy, color and aesthetic stickers, filling in your favorite notebook will turn into a kind of art therapy. Modern realities are such that when you are left without light and often without communication, then impotence fills. Psychologists advise: as soon as you feel that emotions are overflowing, take a pen, your favorite notebook and trust them with your dreams and fears. Handwritten notes are needed not only to better remember information (here you can nostalgic for school and student times). This is a great method to restore the resource, overcome negative emotions and improve your condition. A discharge is peculiar when you disconnect from reality and delve into the inner world. Another recommendation: for grounding with anxiety and intense emotions, you can, moreover, you need to use your favorite notebook, which is always with you. For example: find some ornament and reproduce it. When drawing a pattern, you focus on the mechanical work and calm down as a result. I sincerely advise you to dedicate a few pages to BuJo for such practices. And also a personal recommendation: in any incomprehensible situation, glue stickers. The sound when you detach the sticker from the base, thinking about where the sticker would be better, composing the composition of the future spread in your head, and sheer pleasure from the process when you transfer the picture to reality and see the result - my personal relaxation and a variant of calm when emotions cover my head. You can supplement the process with your favorite movie or music according to your mood.
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